Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sexual Abuse: Symptoms and debt

The effects of early sexual abuse last well into adulthood, affecting relationships, work, family and life in general. Adult survivors of incest show some of the following symptoms: anxiety, sleep alone, nightmares, night terrors,
negative body image, low self-esteem in general
Drugs, alcohol and compulsive behaviors, obsessions
Self-abuse, the size of the skin (and length)
Phobias, panic attacks, anxiety disorders
Difficulties with anger / rage
Problems with trust, intimacy, relationships
Problems with boundaries, control, surrender
victimization new plan, able to say "no"
Signs of PTSD
Sexual abuse war, but it's my fault

Some themes are repeated several times. For example, normally the victim blame for rape, even though two or three yearsat the event. Guilt and shame are expressed, with intense feelings of rage8

While rape and sexual orientation were committed by someone of the same sex (ie, a man abused a child), the problems tend to occur in the patient ("I am gay, after all, a man of yo being raped. ") Women are often victims of sexual promiscuity lifestyles that are developed in an attempt to capture the situation and to bring under control. In other cases, individualslargely excluded from social interaction or sexual stimuli in order to avoid danger and affect the lives very isolated. The connection that links the victims of sex and pain (Love and humiliation, closeness and betrayal) is particularly disastrous.

Patients often express and / or a certificate of conviction that the only way to be loved and cared for when they are victims of violence ("I knew if I stayed with him not hit me, I always"). OftenIn extreme cases, physical and sexual abuse are still considered in danger of life as a normal part of everyday life. limits are not healthy for them, so they are not healthy relationships. The victim was in fact the sense of loneliness or sadness for the violence themselves (as self-mutilation) if the "significant other" is not available to do so.

Sexual abuse and guilt

One of the most difficult problems to be addressed,Memory, which some people experience some degree of physical pleasure during a sexual assault or incest. This adds significantly to a sense of guilt and "dirty means." Thus, a target for the treatment of survivors of the normal physiological response to educate. Understand that their feelings are / were a great help to ease the shame normal.

Even when speaking of their group before treatment for the abuse, notpleasurable aspects have been dismissed as a rule. The opportunity for those who have shared these feelings and experiences is part of the healing power of this form of therapy. The feeling of isolation, of being "different from everyone" starts to drop rapidly. Unravel the secrets and face the pain that survivors of sexual violence can come and go about their lives.