Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Drug abuse

The use of illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin and the abuse of prescription drugs responsible for the production of serious medical complications, the problems of the destruction of the lives of many families and created for schools and communities. Adolescents and young people are particularly vulnerable to abuse and when he succumbed to the temptation of drugs, which are involved in crimes and accidents that lead to poor school performance and society. He recalled thatThe law punishes drug users strong reckless.

Many people use the drug for adults to overcome the symptoms of aging, relieve stress and emotional problems. The drug, if taken during pregnancy can cause birth defects in children may show physical performance, mental, social and behavioral problems in the future. According to one estimate, about 40 percent of American adults, life has used an illicit drug during their. However, recent investigations have shown that mostAmericans against drug abuse and are willing to take a position accordingly.

Drug addiction should be treated for other diseases, such as an illness like any other. Unless the person has developed a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence will not be able to handle it. taken to prevent, through a combined strategy of prevention, intervention and treatment facilities for drug should be discontinued drug abuse. A sort of community outreachThe problem is always desirable. Help the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the notice must be sought in the rehabilitation program Nida and activities "can provide valuable assistance and support to the fight against drug abuse. He can be obtained with other drugs federal research agencies like the National Institute of Mental Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor.