Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Athletes Should Be Allowed to Use Them

The purpose of this article is to show that the athletes use the opportunity to doping to improve their performance. In his article he explains that dramatically since the sports course changes of the years, athletes should do the possibility of what is necessary to keep in the Millennium era will be.

In American society, there are some who tend to try to have to regulate the morals of other people through the implementation of laws that bans certain products and services. If an athletebelieves that his or her performance is enhanced by performance-enhancing drugs, that person should have the opportunity to do so because it is his body.

Although this kind of drugs that are said to have side effects such as the shrinking of the male genital area, the shrinking of the breasts in women, and perhaps death, most of these athletes are adults and if they are also against the common consensus in order to right this type of drugs is a personal lifestyleChoice.

I know some alcoholics, their health and life was destroyed because of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances on the planet, and it is legal. Although the 18 Change many years ago came into force, it was eventually repealed because it is unpopular is a law. Just because something is illegal or prohibited, does not mean that people find no way to get around this.

Secondly, the line between what is a natural and unnatural performanceImprovement is too vague. Depending on the amount of money an athlete has, different kinds of "special" vitamins, sports equipment, sports clothing, trainers, and doctors can be purchased to improve the performance of an athlete.

These advantages give an unnatural advantage for athletes who enjoys unlimited funds, so that poor athletes at a disadvantage. Since the line is blurred between natural and unnatural increase aid for athletic performance, it shouldno particular distinction between the two.

Finally, in agreement with Brown, the sports genre changed over the last fifty years. It is not about the thrill of the sport, but for financial gain. Athletes can earn millions of dollars with various product endorsements and sports contracts. For this reason, most athletes are going to do everything in their power to take the riches that have flowed into the funds from their bank to do what they remain physically keep up to date.Sport is inherently competitive compete and now athletes against each other for the most money.

As a result, the ultimate decision belongs to the performance-enhancing drugs to take to the athletes. Although some argue that performance-enhancing drugs, harms the morale of the sport, a danger to the lives of athletes and give them that these drugs provide an unfair edge to use life's not fair. It's not fair that athletes earn millions of dollars, while the teachers are fighting to have to get a raise. Nointerjects ethical questions about the boxer, received blows to the head while in the competition and try to adopt a ban on the boxes. The right to performance-enhancing drugs is a personal decision and should always be so.