Friday, October 9, 2009

Drug Abuse Statistics - Trends in the New Generation

Surveillance of drug abuse statistics in our youth is a great indicator for the future of next generations. Organizations such as Monitoring the Future (MTF), the research since the mid-1970s on the use of drugs among students of the 12th Class and their perception of drugs and their use has been the implementation. The University of Michigan Institute of Social Research conduct of investigations.

The study is longitudinal and will follow the patterns and changes in the attitudes of studentsover time. In 1991, the studies were of the 8th and 10 Grader.

The latest statistics, which were conducted by drug abuse MTF taken in 2008. The main results showed a decrease in the abuse pattern for a majority of the drugs in the previous year.

There were some positive results, which were highlighted. In 2008 the number had the 10th Graders, that all have used illegal drugs in their life significantly decreased compared with 2007.

ThePercentage of young people in this age group who smoke cigarettes continues to decline over the years, and has the lowest down in the history of the survey. This is a promising finding, as the use of tobacco is a major concern in health problems.

The use of stimulants such as amphetamine and methamphetamine crystal is in continuous decline. The use of crack cocaine under 12 Classes declined from 2008 to 2007.

Overall, the consumption of alcohol alsodecreased among all the above age groups last year. The 10the graders display a marked decrease in the use of alcohol.

However, there are also areas of concern which was highlighted by drug abuse statistics. Although the use of marijuana over the years has decreased, it seems a plateau with as much as 32.4 percent for the 12th Classes use it regularly have achieved. The statistics for the use of prescriptive drugs without a medicalRecipe is also a cause for concern, with 15.4 percent for the 12th Classes have done so in the past year. The perception of risk of harm associated with the use of LSD is also linked in a continuous decline. Next: Follow the links below to read more about the issues of drug addiction and abuse.