Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Alcoholism a Drug Addiction?

Many concepts have a transformation in the past two centuries and one of them the change in the moral and cultural values of societies. Use of alcohol was previously seen as a status symbol, but over time they turned it into a form of addiction for many. Reasons and factors which vary from the regions and different cultures.

Unfortunately, it took more time to realize that alcoholism is a drug addiction. "Since we have tempted to believe that drugs --> Addiction or alcoholism is a disease. We have said that the only way to "restore" visit to the treatment and endless AA, NA meetings for the rest of our lives. "

Any drug including alcohol addiction is not a disease but a choice. One need not be a passive observer to an illusive disease drug addiction or alcoholism, you should be to an alcoholic or "in to be markedRecovery ", or turn up meetings, the treatment for the rest of his life!

Those who struggle with alcohol addiction or other drug addiction to reach a conclusion that especially the mainstream thinking is not working in their favor. There are several factors why these programs are not saying a proceeding in a fruitful way more analysts, the main reason is to be realized. Existing projects and plans do not work, because they are wrong on the basisAssumptions about human nature and the related philosophy. Neither they have directly addressed the issues of motivation and emotions of addiction that a person.

A large number of people and organizations in cultures like ours that are trying really hard to acknowledge that alcoholism is not seen as a disease, the result of biological or genetic predisposition. These companies and individuals have a strong personal and societal interest in a complete non-addictive physiological model of humanBehavior. Her attraction to the social problems primarily on a philosophical accommodation with a social perspective is based, heralding socio-political correctness to the goal.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that many people who have problems related to alcoholism or drug addiction left in the past mainly by their own have had. All those who are currently struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction will say that they sometimes omitted from alcohol or drug useUse for a specified period. As already mentioned, it is not a mysterious disease, but only a matter of choice. You can get control! No one is stopping you from that with a cold beer or powder. If a person wants to take, alcohol or other drugs, he / she is. Alcoholics or drug addicts will always find a way.

One might wonder why the alternative to the use of alcohol or drugs is so hard to understand. It is possible to pick up a beer when he / she fancy. However, if someonewant to go back and share that beer is in everything in a while, then it surely some diseases, meetings, character defects, treatments, counseling, etc. to fight, too! Many that had an alcohol dependence or addiction problems that have quit on their own: without all the drama and struggle!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Athletes Should Be Allowed to Use Them

The purpose of this article is to show that the athletes use the opportunity to doping to improve their performance. In his article he explains that dramatically since the sports course changes of the years, athletes should do the possibility of what is necessary to keep in the Millennium era will be.

In American society, there are some who tend to try to have to regulate the morals of other people through the implementation of laws that bans certain products and services. If an athletebelieves that his or her performance is enhanced by performance-enhancing drugs, that person should have the opportunity to do so because it is his body.

Although this kind of drugs that are said to have side effects such as the shrinking of the male genital area, the shrinking of the breasts in women, and perhaps death, most of these athletes are adults and if they are also against the common consensus in order to right this type of drugs is a personal lifestyleChoice.

I know some alcoholics, their health and life was destroyed because of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances on the planet, and it is legal. Although the 18 Change many years ago came into force, it was eventually repealed because it is unpopular is a law. Just because something is illegal or prohibited, does not mean that people find no way to get around this.

Secondly, the line between what is a natural and unnatural performanceImprovement is too vague. Depending on the amount of money an athlete has, different kinds of "special" vitamins, sports equipment, sports clothing, trainers, and doctors can be purchased to improve the performance of an athlete.

These advantages give an unnatural advantage for athletes who enjoys unlimited funds, so that poor athletes at a disadvantage. Since the line is blurred between natural and unnatural increase aid for athletic performance, it shouldno particular distinction between the two.

Finally, in agreement with Brown, the sports genre changed over the last fifty years. It is not about the thrill of the sport, but for financial gain. Athletes can earn millions of dollars with various product endorsements and sports contracts. For this reason, most athletes are going to do everything in their power to take the riches that have flowed into the funds from their bank to do what they remain physically keep up to date.Sport is inherently competitive compete and now athletes against each other for the most money.

As a result, the ultimate decision belongs to the performance-enhancing drugs to take to the athletes. Although some argue that performance-enhancing drugs, harms the morale of the sport, a danger to the lives of athletes and give them that these drugs provide an unfair edge to use life's not fair. It's not fair that athletes earn millions of dollars, while the teachers are fighting to have to get a raise. Nointerjects ethical questions about the boxer, received blows to the head while in the competition and try to adopt a ban on the boxes. The right to performance-enhancing drugs is a personal decision and should always be so.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Drug Addiction - With the Right Support and Treatment, the Road to Recovery is Possible

Drug abuse and drug dependence are two major burden on society. But the terms "drugs" and "drug dependence" are often used interchangeably, but actually indicate very different conditions. The term "drug" refers to the use of a substance in a manner that a deviation from the culturally acceptable norms, while describing the term "addiction" is a disease in which the drug seemsbe the dominant influence on the behavior of the individual. Addiction occurs when an individual crosses the line between drug abuse by a physical dependence on drugs. This is usually attempted by compulsively, a substance, regardless of the potentially negative social, psychological and physical consequences. Is a compelling need for drug addiction, do not use a random choice from.

Drug addiction is said that a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. The path of drug addiction begins with the first act of the drugs. Over time, a person can do more of the substance you need to achieve the same effect. The changes in the brain caused by repeated drug use, can a person self-control and the ability that could make informed decisions, and at the same time send intense impulses to take drugs.

Drug> Addiction is a complex but treatable disease, but it is generally difficult, a drug addict completely cured, especially without a proper drug rehabilitation (often drug rehab or just rehab) program. It is also not uncommon for a person to relapse and begin abusing drugs again, if the treatment is not administered properly. Medication is important, but so is behavioral therapy, as well. Therefore, the ultimate goal of any drug rehab treatment is to enable aindividual to achieve lasting abstinence, but reduced the short-term drug abuse, improve the working ability of the patient and minimize the medical and social complications of drug abuse and addiction.

Discontinued drug rehab treatments both with multiple short-and long-term process. The various programs offer help in drug rehab, including: residential treatment (inpatient), outpatient treatment, local support groups,extended care centers, and recovery or sober houses. Sober living creates an environment that real life is less structured than a treatment center. The individual is given the opportunity to build their confidence and learn a sense of stability and good order direction.

Drug rehabs are a great help for the addict and their families. People should have experienced some time in choosing a drug rehabilitation center, the staff and provide licensedinpatient services. A 12-step program of treatment is usually most rehabs followed, although some places other forms of treatment might have with the exception of the 12-step program. A twelve-step program is a set of guidelines outlines an approach for recovery from addiction, compulsion or other behavioral problems.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help With Drug Addiction at Anonymous Meetings - My Experience

If you are trying to decide whether you should go and stop thinking a recovery session and just leave. As they say in the Recovery Console if you believe you do not need a meeting that's when you need one of the most. When I was a teenager I was introduced to Narcotics Anonymous. I do not think I had a problem that I was to have fun like everyone else. I did not know I had the confidence of friends and family, because my way of life lost. I apologized.

Drugs are never really the reason for yourProblems. Their problems are the result of not dealing with issues and feelings that you have (as is likely, has led to drugs or alcohol).

Life seems to go so fast, and most people never really take the time to know up and why they do what they do. NA or AA is not a place where people come together to convince each other of them to stop drugs. NA is a place where you learn the tools to help you solve your problems and take the time to know yourself.

The 12 steps ofNA / AA are so simple, and you think you can read it and know the answers. People at the NA / AA to spend weeks or months at every step. The first step is: "We admitted we were over our addiction, our lives could cope no longer powerless."

The 12-step program was actually on the Beatitudes in the Bible. He says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

The first step simply means "I need help I cannot do it alone."

TheSecret is simple, we must discover our weakness, our weak link, commit ourselves to know our area and we need to be "poor in spirit, humbly request our attitude, our weakness and help.

Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous are such great programs. I do not regret my past, afterall, it took me to meetings.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Drug Abuse Statistics - Trends in the New Generation

Surveillance of drug abuse statistics in our youth is a great indicator for the future of next generations. Organizations such as Monitoring the Future (MTF), the research since the mid-1970s on the use of drugs among students of the 12th Class and their perception of drugs and their use has been the implementation. The University of Michigan Institute of Social Research conduct of investigations.

The study is longitudinal and will follow the patterns and changes in the attitudes of studentsover time. In 1991, the studies were of the 8th and 10 Grader.

The latest statistics, which were conducted by drug abuse MTF taken in 2008. The main results showed a decrease in the abuse pattern for a majority of the drugs in the previous year.

There were some positive results, which were highlighted. In 2008 the number had the 10th Graders, that all have used illegal drugs in their life significantly decreased compared with 2007.

ThePercentage of young people in this age group who smoke cigarettes continues to decline over the years, and has the lowest down in the history of the survey. This is a promising finding, as the use of tobacco is a major concern in health problems.

The use of stimulants such as amphetamine and methamphetamine crystal is in continuous decline. The use of crack cocaine under 12 Classes declined from 2008 to 2007.

Overall, the consumption of alcohol alsodecreased among all the above age groups last year. The 10the graders display a marked decrease in the use of alcohol.

However, there are also areas of concern which was highlighted by drug abuse statistics. Although the use of marijuana over the years has decreased, it seems a plateau with as much as 32.4 percent for the 12th Classes use it regularly have achieved. The statistics for the use of prescriptive drugs without a medicalRecipe is also a cause for concern, with 15.4 percent for the 12th Classes have done so in the past year. The perception of risk of harm associated with the use of LSD is also linked in a continuous decline. Next: Follow the links below to read more about the issues of drug addiction and abuse.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana is a tobacco-like substance in matte colors such as green, gray or brown, consisting of dried leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant. Known from more than 200 names, it is a drug commonly as pot, herb, weed, grass, boom, and the stronger form is called hashish. In whatever form it is taken, it changes along the path of the soul, because there is an active chemical called THC or delta-9 contains tetrahydrocannabinol. Originally used for medicine and healing, it was dangerous,feared drug in the 1970s, taken as addicting powers thousands and was a prohibited drug, which was smuggled into countries.

Marijuana is terribly addictive and obsessive. It's almost like smoked a cigarette and is absorbed into the body almost instantly. He reaches the brain and connected to receptors on nerve cells affect that part of the brain that control pleasure, thought, concentration, memory and coordination. There will be hampered this activity. APerson gets addicted to it very easily and it is so much that it is usually easier to obtain than alcohol to spread. Addicts think the drug all the time, where and how they do not get to achieve it, how to raise funds for them to forget, to values and principles, just to be able to obtain marijuana, and the fear of it in the future . The biggest problem of addiction is the body's physical craving for marijuana, and more and more quantities are needed to reach this level ofBliss.

Marijuana addiction is much harder to shake than alcohol. It's so addictive that the individual is not able to give, if he knows its negative impact and the consequences of their addiction. It is to want him caught in a vicious circle, you accept the consequences of alcohol use to escape. The stigma affected swallows family members also.
Marijuana addiction leads to problems with memory, incoherence leads the inability to learn andAbsenteeism, lack of seriousness at work. This could earn their peak in loss of employment and skills. It would also again denied him into a social misfit often from friends, and sometimes even from family. A marijuana addict even treated as a threat to society, and many o shun him for fear of the initial drawn into this addiction.

This addiction is really like a disease to be treated over a longer period of medication and counseling needs. BehavioralTherapy was committed by some organizations to eliminate marijuana addiction will get acquainted with encouraging results in hundreds of cases. An example of such an organization is the Spencer Recovery Centers, hires professionals for the treatment of drug addicts, marijuana, and have a fantastic success through their committed approach.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What Are The Effects Of Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol dependence has far-reaching effects, focusing on all aspects of the lives of addicts. Some of the possible impact of alcohol addiction cause could include:

Physical effects - Pancreatitis, cirrhosis, insulin resistance, alcoholic dementia, malnutrition, heart disease and in extreme cases death.

Economic effects - Loss of employment and the subsequent financial problems that follow a result.

Social consequences - social alienationbecause of unacceptable social behavior, marital conflict and divorce.

Legal consequences - alcohol addicts often get into conflict with the law either because of disturbance of public order or for drunk driving.

Alcohol addiction affects not only the addict but also the addicts whole family could experience the consequences of neglect, domestic violence against spouses and children.

Alcohol Treatment

Abruptly discontinuing the use of alcohol could lead tosevere symptoms such as seizures, hallucinations, seizures and shaking. In severe cases it can lead to heart failure and even death. Given the critical nature of the symptoms is recommended that the withdrawal should be strictly matters controlled by a supervised detox.

The treatment for the cessation of alcohol abuse typically involves bringing about the management of physical symptoms and behavioral changes. This is done through various therapeutic treatments ranging from medicationspsychotherapy.

Antabuse Natltrexone are two of the most common and the drugs used in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Antabuse works by a side effect of alcohol and taken Natltrexone reduces the physical craving for alcohol. Long term use of folic acid and vitamin B12 are often recommended to help overcome the harmful effects of chronic alcohol consumption on the liver.

Alcoholics can in front of a lifelong struggle in their efforts to stay sober and relapseis a strong possibility in the long road to sobriety. Unlike drug addiction, where it is often difficult to obtain the drugs, alcohol is readily available and it is easier for a relaxing addicts fall back into the habit of alcohol abuse. Cause often only a drink at a social event is the addiction. Some experts believe that relapse is part of the learning process and is something that an addict must go through in order to achieve finallytotal abstinence from their addiction.

Social support and life training offer recovering addicts are dealt with urgently needed support and indispensable components of alcohol dependence. Alcoholics Anonymous is one such organization that help alcoholics beat their addiction and lead a normal life is required.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crystal Meth Addiction - A Modern Problem

The addiction to crystal methamphetamine, also known as crank, ice and glass is known, is at historically high levels. People of all ages and in all areas of life, from children to adults to experience the high that comes with the use of this dangerous drug. Unfortunately, they must also experience the horrors of the side affects that comes along with it. Normally, if someone starts using crystal meth, it's just a once-in-a-while, what a joke, used especially when celebrations with friends.Then it begins to increasingly frequent and before you know what you are connected. It's not just because you want it, or how he, it's because you need it. Finally, you can not get through the day without it, that because crystal meth is highly addictive and extremely dangerous.

The use of this drug has many side effects that are devastating, both mentally and physically able. Who is Crystal Meth are very likely to suffer in the short term concernsLoss of appetite, insomnia, mood swings and erratic, violent behavior. Some people have hallucinations, you can begin to see and things that start, are not really there, hear or feel insects crawling on the skin. No matter what you can do, do not they disappear. You could also show signs of paranoia and psychotic episodes. Since some crystal meth users become even suicidal.

Crystal meth can also cause irreversible, long-term physical effects such as heart and bloodPressure can cause problems and damage to blood vessels to the brain. This can cause a stroke, convulsions and possibly death. The more of this drug in your system that you, the more your body becomes accustomed to it and the more you need to have the desired high.

Drugs are a major cause of birth defects, and crystal meth is no exception. Premature, underweight babies and even malformations were to mothers who used the combined crystal Methamphetamine during pregnancy.

There is help for those who store this deadly habit and their lives back to. There are agencies such as Crystal Meth Anonymous, which have helped many addicts to free themselves from the poison that has taken control of their lives. With its 12-step program teaching them how to do it one day after the other. All of the group of people working together have to heal each other, with the help of sponsors who have worked through the same problem> Addiction, and how they support each other. Do not judge someone needs help, either, because the former drug addicts, they know what exactly what you are through. You can also use the Internet for other programs that are available to help you regain your life. After all, what have you got to lose, especially when you consider the alternative?