Saturday, August 21, 2010

Substance Abuse and Addiction

"Acceptance of the answer to all my problems today. If I am worried because I have to find a person, place, thing or situation - a fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and I can not find the peace that I person, place, thing or situation accepted as the way it should be at this time. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. "- The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous

No part of a drug humor have a problem with it. It is still a stigma to be a problem with alcohol or other drugs during the operation of the community is Trying to standardize, as such, the drug treatment. When People began to experiment, usually in adolescence and early nicotine , marijuana and alcohol problems are something that can happen easily. Some people leave immediately if you have problems starting, stopping others later in life, and some die from their addiction.

Check> Addiction can be defined as a volunteer "a habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond." (The American Heritage Dictionary) years before the beginning of Alcoholics Anonymous and drug treatment, as is known today, saw the partnership of dependence as a moral failure. This meant that they were bad people, were less moral. Fortunately, as we learned more about addiction andThe recovery, we recognize that addiction is a disease. A disease is a condition of a party or organization, for various reasons, such as infection, genetic defect or the environment and is characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. "It 's been one of the stigma of addiction and recovery. We learned that people depend on me and was like you. It will be better. We could go to live well lives.

The disease is characterized by four main elements of drug abuse. These include: 1 Craving: A strong need or compulsion, loss, according to control: The inability to limit his at every opportunity. Third Physical dependence: withdrawal symptoms occur when alcohol or other drugs and 4 for a period of heavy use stopped. Tolerance: The need for large amounts to get high.

My working definition of alcohol or other drugs> Abuse of need professional help if your use has affected the lives of one or more areas of denial. Note that this is not the quantity and frequency of alcohol or other drugs. A person can drink all day and no adverse impact on their lives.

gives a quick test, I like when people think that alcohol or other drugs can be a problem. He uses the acronym CAGE:

C: Have you ever felt the need to reduceAlcohol and / or drug use?
A: The people in your life still bothered by you and / or criticized for their use of alcohol or drugs?
G: Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking water?
E: Have you ever had a drink or drugs in the morning (open eyes) to settle your nerves or get rid of the first when your cat?

Short, simple, and if so, the question that you have a problem with alcohol or other drugs. Jump toLicense Drug / Alcohol Counselor (Ladce) or Recovery Center can help you explore this more. Will help you understand what is addiction, how it affects your life and help you with something to do about it. Mind, body and mind have a remarkable capacity to heal. Recovery can happen.