Sunday, August 15, 2010

As substance abuse among young people

Adolescent Treatment Centers believe that drug addiction among young people is done in stages or phases. Some of the reasons cited for drug abuse among young people include:

• Peer pressure
• Low self-esteem
• Depression
• Affinity and festive nightlife
• media influence

Addiction can occur because of drug tolerance is increased when the body develops a high degree of leniencythis substance. dependence and unpleasant symptoms and pain that results when the drug is not indicated for the person. Instead, look at the stage where the drug can be taken in response:

First time in a place where drug use has increased: if you think this shady oasis night club circuit and that the drugs are first order in mind. There may be a direct hit them, butThis is definitely a place that creates fertile ground for the spirit of trying to "drugs.

drug use as a second experience: This is the second step, in which the adolescent begins to experiment with drugs. He or she does, because the issue is accepted in terms of a particular group 'and their friends. The child begins to associate smoking and snorting a few lines as "cool"

third increase in the use of medicines: What started as a simple experimentbegins to take shape in the habit of defamation. The frequency of drug use has increased and there is a surrender. And 'when the student is not interested in study or sport as much as you use, take medications for the most pleasant and reassuring.

Fourth and Privacy: The point at which an adolescent may be a drug "certificates. His friends take note of your condition and well, those who take leave. AndPlaces of the company that supplied the drugs. It comes to life and turns the theft of a remote control and drug trafficking so that more money, have more drugs. The arrests were a natural phenomenon when the police about drug use in proliferation large and close in most people, young people are falling pedals are taking medications or those older than 20 y.

Fifth health problems: After treatment centers for adolescents,vulnerable stage of adolescent health. and sank into drug addiction, health begins to deteriorate. The liver, kidneys, skin, digestive system, the mind and heart are concerned. Some drugs cause a lot of depression, lead to suicidal tendencies. There are other drugs that may have the pleasure teen reckless endangering their lives, beatings, murders and tricks, like jumping from a skyscraperdeath.

Adolescent Treatment Centers said that parents and two of his supporters were able to control the movements of children and do not hinder them, for drug abuse, particularly in phase 1 y. But when he arrived at step 3, adolescence, it is difficult to contain, you should take a treatment center for adolescents.