Sunday, June 27, 2010

Prescription drug abuse and withdrawal pill

Prescription Drug Abuse or tablets, depending on how it is commonly called, and finally the "Pill withdrawal" is with us since doctors began prescribing drugs, has become more common since the advent of repeating a recipe or "Reload" where patients have a recipe, without going through the doctor repeated. It may be easier for most people visit a pharmacy and fill out a form indicating their name, address andI> in drugs. This is returned to surgery the doctor of your password. The problem is that these symptoms tend to be routine, rather than this particular requirement, thus facilitating the abuse of prescription drugs.

If you start a patient, often repeated the question, would have noticed? Should in theory but in practice is not common. No, that is until the next revision. Often, the twelve repetitions allowed beforeThe patient should return to the doctor to speak personally to verify treatment. Abuse of drugs, pills and withdrawal symptoms are often neglected by health care providers.

The type of drugs that lead to addiction pill, not only are many and sedatives such as diazepam (Valium) and nitrazepam (Mogadon). Often, codeine and painkillers that contain codeine and also as cocodamol"The anti-addictive painkillers such as Solpadeine based on codeine, whose group has its own support. Most of the abuse of prescription drugs is one or the other of these two types of drugs: tranquilizers and painkillers. Tranquilizer withdrawal Pill is very common in developed countries.

People all abuse of prescription drugs are a range of symptoms, the withdrawal of all patients for the pill.

The main symptomdependence pill is a greater tolerance for the drug, so that the user has a lot of increases, to achieve the same effect is used. Increasingly the drug is necessary, and four times is not uncommon. This leads to many problems, not least that it is difficult to place the control of symptoms before taking the drug. For example, is increasingly difficult to control pain.

Those who sufferpill abuse is deliberately chosen not to. Unlike other drug users, not doses have become increasingly only one entry. "It happens gradually over a longer period the same drugs to treat his illness. Cocodamol is commonly used to treat arthritis, for example, and the abuse of prescription drugs in these cases has been abused in the true sense of words.

Decreases analgesicthe body becomes more and more drugs, which requires that the patient needs more than pain or suffering and greater reliance on pill forever. There is but once begun, the patient less frequently done, because the symptoms of pill withdrawal is required to maintain a larger and more. They know it is wrong, but could do little about it and try to hide How many families are low. It reaches a stage where they are afraid to admit it, andshocked when her doctor not to help more than drugs.

Abuse of prescription drugs causes physical dependence, and the person may not operate normally without any supply of drugs. The body adapts to the presence of the drug and can be operated at the time of delivery, but the new one during treatment, the patient suffers from pill withdrawal symptoms. These can be severe, including physical illness, mood swings andThe aggressiveness and depression. Finally pill addiction can lead to overdose deaths. Acetaminophen with codeine-based painkillers, for example, can be dangerous. Overdose patients in the codeine content, but the paracetamol is insidious and can cause serious liver damage over time.

The most obvious sign of abuse of prescription drugs is that the parties can not stop drinking. This increases the effectiveness of presentationRepeat prescriptions need an excuse, as extras, are short, go on vacation, or medical hop station. The Internet has also facilitated the purchase of prescription drugs online without a doctor's prescription, the patient is not required. As mentioned above, the type of pill addiction is not their fault, and we can do more to control the release of such circumstances.

Physicians, and in some cases, the pharmacist shouldpotential problems with long-term use of these drugs and the advice and help when it's time to stop them. The dose should be reduced gradually rather than sudden interruption of supply. Abuse of prescription drugs and the pill is taken on the market, a serious problem in the right of innocent otherwise permanently. It should be possible to find a way to periodically change the chemical nature of the drug has been prescribed for cases with a singleReduce the chance of dependence, this type of pill.

Once the function has been confirmed or less, a better hospital patient, dependency on measures taken to resolve them. Kicking addiction to prescription pills is not easy, but better than the life lived, and your doctor can help make it easier to access technical phase.

Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet