Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How to break an addiction to marijuana

Marijuana is addictive and that is a withdrawal syndrome that occurs when a person tries to employees, will close its habit.

Marijuana is not particularly dangerous in the short term, but long-term consequences of addiction are more at risk for certain cancers, some cognitive deficits and lack of social learning, and specific. People with marijuana are less able to realize their full potential, and may divert the use of marijuanaQuality of life.

Marijuana withdrawal symptoms

The symptoms of cessation of marijuana withdrawal include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, headache, nausea, depression, anorexia, and others. The withdrawal is not dangerous, is not as bad as some other drugs, but is unpleasant, and during the early days, is the desire to return marijuana to be very strong.

There are too many people trying to quit are unable to resist the temptation to rea drug that knows how to take all these very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Tip: exercise ... really works!

Why do not medical marijuana detox dangerous, there is currently no pharmacologic intervention to relieve the pain of withdrawal, and only time the complaints really better. After 3 or 4 days, the intensity of withdrawal symptoms should decrease significantly, and if you do the first few days, you have a much better chancedo it for the long term.

A very efficient, free and absolutely safe to reduce the intensity of symptoms with exercise is long and pleasant. To reduce withdrawal symptoms, and take your thoughts away from the constant hunger, you must get off the couch and go get your heart pumping.

Exercise helps in several ways. Thanks to the constant activity and the release of endorphins in the brain stronger. Endorphins are a form of "natural"Feeling a bit high and 'practice and the corresponding release of endorphins can do much to reduce feelings of anxiety, apathy and depression.

The intense physical activity and supported the weariness of the body, and we hope to reduce the characteristic insomnia, which can often lead to relapse again used. With practice and the sweat box, you can clean the body of toxins and metabolites of drugs, toxins, which some see as a continuing influence on detoxificationSymptoms.

Go beyond the first days of

The exercise is free, will make you better, keeps you busy and keep your thoughts to use and can also help you sleep at night. None of the symptoms of withdrawal, but eliminate the time, but waiting for a couple of days for the year incurred to make the day more bearable, and you should have given a better chance to resist the temptation.

Take a walk in the mountains, take your bike onIn the city, playing basketball ... do what you like. It can help a lot!

If you find that simply should not resist the temptation to meet again, seek professional help. Get therapy and away from access to marijuana for a period can help these people can not do this alone.