Saturday, February 27, 2010

Detoxification can help cleanse Pro Sports Steroid Abuse

Barry Bonds, who joined the Giants in San Francisco love '-or-hate-it No. 756 Home Run King of execution against the Washington Nationals this week, surpassing the legendary Hank Aaron 755 and get a place in history the record books from home Baseball time flows throughout life. Bonds, but now a different place in baseball history - or perhaps in the history of athletics - the most popular suspicion of doping to improve consumers in professional sports. If the securities arehas or has not banned the drug is another story. However, anabolic steroids are so widely used by athletes to clean only time to decide, a star athlete and the treatment of addiction by entering a depth of detoxification.

Anabolic steroids are used by athletes to increase muscle mass. Although banned by most professional sports leagues, due to the unfair advantage given by users, the drugs remain popular. The supply of steroidsmany unpleasant side effects, but also those who pose threats to health and even life. Also, add the dependency property of steroids in the discussion of the fans and the media better control and stricter penalties for abusers.

And tests more frequent and more severe penalties, and mandatory drug treatment programs may not be a bad idea. Rules like "you're out of all the games until he was able to detoxify" achieve some positiveEntry

1. Media Consortium help to deter amateur athletes with steroids or other banned for doping.


3. Media Consortium help clean up the perpetrators of steroids, their health and that of their sport.


Another good reason for all those who abuse steroids, a drug rehabilitation program for drug use is due to the withdrawal of steroids, the main cause of unpredictable violence- Known as "Roid Rage" among athletes. Treatment should include the best of modern methods of detoxification and rehabilitation.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has cited the aggressive, paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, judgment and the sense of invincibility side effects of steroid abuse. Others are tumors of the liver, cancer, acne, shrinkage of the testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility, maleThe development of breasts, increased risk of prostate cancer and growth disorders in young people are not fully developed. To avoid these problems, those who abuse treatment anabolic drugs is considered.

Although it has been a key figure in the Balco steroids case, Bonds has never failed a steroid test at the same time. And, while the investigation for perjury by a grand jury regarding his testimony in the BALCO case, has not yet been charged.

Thus, the jury is stillU.S. Figure famous for steroid abuse. However, we can not deny that he is one of the most talented baseball players at a time to come. If Bonds transformative power to improve the drug only a gentleman in a positively frightening, is now at home at the time all the rulers of manipulation, and we're stuck.

Meanwhile, all the athletes to do the will of books with a record better steroids should not forget that researchers at Yale have discovered a long-termThe abuse of steroids has all the classic signs of addiction - the desire, the inability to stop using and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. A drug detox program and drug rehabilitation success is the only solution for connecting criminal habits of steroids and of government, and the sport we love.