Monday, May 31, 2010

Drug Rehab Success Rates

A look at Google ads, you can see that competition among drug treatment programs to boast, rehabilitation centers, the most successful. The truth is that the rate of success is relative. What prevents a successful group is different for another.

Some people have based their success in reducing drug use in general, even if someone is using drugs twice a week instead of every day, you can still presuppose. Other programsand corrective measures, if someone on drugs. It 's a real success. However, some stops when the person says the program, or during the first months after their completion. The more time that success is measured and stateless drug, the better.

Moreover, it appears that the retention rate is a factor. Retention is the number of people who enroll in the program based on the percentage that actually ends. In general, aThe retention of 50% is above average. The separation of improving the long-term effectiveness of residential programs in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (FACTS) was 65%.

rehabilitation centers, which can handle all types of success rates can be confusing. The key to discovering what makes sense to see what they see as a success. In other words, they feel that someone is the completion of the program a success? I am a person to attend meetings(Also own) are a success? Or worse, that really put him in a kind of drug substitution and continue to believe that success? An example of this might be methadone. If you drink more heroin, but methadone, and some programs may still consider that success.

The bottom line should not be confused or caught, what will be printed until the possession of the truth. We can help you find a way to identify programssaid their success rate and if it is worth the time and money. Not every period of detoxification, the long-term programs will get the same result.

Most addiction treatment centers do not print or talk about what their success rate. Because of this lack of benchmarking of rehabilitation centers have conducted their own internal follow-up interviews to see how the program can be given supplements in daily life. Based on their results, as they are in generalto its success.

This is what is seen as a consumer - what are these things to determine or measure its success? If a program is not conducive to a success rate, what are the criteria for success is in their eyes. It is also important to consider other factors that determine success in life. These are things like the behavior of criminals and other recent arrests, part time or full-time job, relationships with family and friends, etc.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Addiction Cure treat the cause of addiction

Drug addiction is often a time when the scourge of our own. With drugs, it is easily accessible to people very easily learn a chemical dependency or mental health, drug, especially for young or desperate men and women who take drugs to fill a void in His life could not exist. treatment for drug addiction, but most priests are pure chemicaldrugs, where the belief is that if the patient can be cured of the drug in the body, the desires of chemical dependency. You can with the withdrawal of the methadone until the body adapts (dry) and the replacement of dangerous drugs with another drug and treat cravings. None of this treatment, the cause of drug addiction, but why this person uses drugsthe first place!

Although the chemistry of drug addiction should involve the use of the term as a treatment for addiction because addiction itself in the first instance should be treated more can be cured only be brief. Some socially drugs, or motivation to escape any form of mental distress and anxiety or boredom and lack of grace.

There are also counseling services for drug addicts, it is difficultAddicts really attached to these meetings for various reasons, and the consultant on this issue are rare. It 's worse when an employee is not really ready to commit to rehabilitation can not be resolved.

The sad truth is that the person must be ready to get rid of their habit. They need support, the drug may be missing a lot, and must stay motivatedClean!

The mindset of people is the most important part of the healing process of drug addiction. Without a clear, they may still use their old habits because they are not the cause of its dependence Drug confront and overcome! So my advice to drug users accustomed to free itself from dependence to find the cause of, find resources and support available, we should all stand together!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The key to recovery from addiction - 4 Neurotransmitters

The term "drug" is a word that is quite worrying, as the meaning in other words, the unpleasant associations hopelessly out of control, despair, failure mode, and you can not hesitate to add much more. Part of the reason the word is scary, so for most people, trying to overcome addiction, drugs, treatment options are limited and often ineffective.

In fact, "the traditional programs of treatment" of drug abuse havea success rate of 25% or less! One of the reasons why they consider to be the case that these "traditional" programs, not only physiological chemical imbalance substance abuse in particular, problems occur in the brains of addicts. Good news there are solutions that do to correct these imbalances and the hope of finding a lasting solution.

According to Dr. Charles Gant, author of 'Close'Addiction Now "," substance abuse problems are the result of biochemical imbalances disrupt the normal functioning of brain cells. "These imbalances are particularly important in the biochemistry of brain cells or neurons. Neurons produce chemical messengers called neurotransmitters in the brain () and control over virtually all aspects of their lives through communication with other cells.

Four major groups of brain messengers "refer specifically toSubstance abuse. These special messengers to our ability to experience pleasure and satisfaction of life. The functioning of these neurotransmitters is critical to our well-being and productive capacity. The four groups of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and enkephalins, serotonin, GABA and catacholamines.

endorphins and enkephalins, the first two groups of similar inhibitory neurotransmitters that are powerful,natural painkillers. (Inhibition of ways to block or delay the release of neurotransmitters), drugs that mimic the action of enkephalins are heroin and methadone.

, Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that exerts a calming influence on us from unpleasant emotions and hyperactive. Medicines second interrupt the normal action of serotonin is a prescribed class of antidepressants called SSRIs (selective inhibitorreuptake inhibitors). These include drugs like Prozac and Zoloft. These drugs really the worst condition, since the brain to reduce the natural production of serotonin. And if the use of SSRIs is stopped, symptoms of deficiency of serotonin, such as anxiety, irritability and anger return.

Third GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter (such as serotonin) that relieves the fears and concerns, and the influence of mental activity. Alcohol andprescription drugs Valium and Xanax are examples of the influence these neurotransmitters artificially.

catecholamines quarter, a similar group of excitatory neurotransmitters that regulate our ability to provide assistance and experience joy and enthusiasm. Dopamine is in this category and is known as the "euphoria" neurotransmitters. To better cope with life, people turn to drugs such as cocaine and stimulants Ritalin to try to increase catecholamine Neurotransmitters.

People who have abused the objective of these neurotransmitters that drugs are playing with fire. In the presence of these drugs, the brain begins to change - the pace is often expected levels and more. If this stimulus is not available (as when a person) is trying to take the drug, the person is indifferent depressed and sad.

But there is hope for people who have abused drugs. During> The abuse leads to imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, adequate nutrition of these neurotransmitters in the brain can restore a healthy level of functioning. If all of these neurotransmitters can be fed, of course, a person may be in good physical and mental. Properly feed these neurotransmitters is best achieved through a combination of treatments of the approach involves a program called orthomolecular medicine.

In 1980, Dr. JoanMathews-Larson (author of "sobriety seven weeks) was the first to demonstrate that orthomolecular medicine approach with a model added to conventional therapy may be psychosocial double, triple and even recovery rates and the expected long-term employees by drugs. (end of alcohol recovery is long. defined here as 1-2 years of abstinence from drugs and alcohol This is important because it is easier to show benefits in the long term future).

This more "holistic"abuse dependency approach is the hope of many who had surrendered. Understand the role of neurotransmitters, and tackle to use cellular and molecular natural substances and processes is consistent with the long-term reconstruction and sustainable success.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Drug Abuse and Symptoms

We often feel that the bad thing will happen to anybody except us. However, this is the basic mistake, which we all do. When the bad thing actually happens, we have a feeling of miserable and helplessness. We must check whether our family and friends are leading normal life or not. In case anyone gets addicted, then there are certain symptoms that can tell you about it. Once you recheck and confirm the addiction, you can immediately contact the drug abuse rehab centers for treatment and detoxification.

Usually, withdrawal symptom is very common among the addicts. You will also notice very sudden changes in the addict's behavior. They usually get irritated very easily. A very small thing can change them from happy to violent.

Sometimes, they behave merrily and just the next moment they can shout on everyone around them. Runny nose is another thing that indicates that someone is getting addicted to drugs. The eyes usually become reddish most of the time and with that the not managed hairstyle and messy look will also be there.

Once someone becomes an addict, he stops taking care of himself and his looks. These are the basic symptoms. If possible, you must check whether he is taking any medicines frequently or take alcohol or not. There are different types of symptoms for different types of substances. You can easily check for those too. However, these are the basic symptoms, which can help you to identify whether someone has become an addict or not.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Exercise and Addiction - The New Frontier of Addiction Recovery

Are you trying to quit smoking or stop drinking alcohol? Are you recovering from a drug addiction? Do you struggle with prescription drug abuse or a gambling problem? The best approach to addiction recovery may have been right under our noses all along: exercise. What you don't know about this topic might just surprise you.

Whether you are addicted to alcohol, street drugs, prescription drugs, gambling, food, or nicotine, the neurological pattern that develops is the same. The reward center in your brain is underactive, and it takes more in life to tell that part of your brain that you're having a good time. Nothing but the addiction seems to satisfy that reward center, and the brain is tricked into thinking that the addiction is necessary for survival.

Quick bursts of exercise at 70-80% of one's maximum aerobic threshold for at least 30 minutes a day can give your brain's reward center the quick burst of dopamine that it's looking for when feeling a craving to use a substance (or behavior). Not only that, exercise rebalances all of your mood related neurotransmitters and releases BDNF, a factor which is like Miracle Gro for your brain. It helps to grow new brain cells in areas of the brain that tend to shrink with depression and substance abuse.

One of the neatest things that exercise does is release endorphins, which are chemical cousins with synthetic morphine. Releasing your body's natural pain killers is one reason for that infamous "runner's high." Endocannabinoids are thought to be the other reason for this phenomenon. These are the receptors in the brain associated with marijuana, and there are two other activities that can fill these receptors: exercise and eating chocolate. The ability to do something that is within your own control builds a sense of self efficacy, something that's missing in individuals who feel powerless and helpless to control addictions.

Exercise simultaneously builds new neural networks within the brain, decrease cravings, significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms, address underlying depression and anxiety, and fill the void often left behind after addictive behaviors stop. One excellent example of how well exercise can help correct addiction is a popular recovery program in Manhattan. This program attributes it's significantly higher rate of recovery success to the inclusion of an exercise program, and some of it's graduates run in the NYC Marathon each year.

If you're trying to quit smoking or stop drinking your lunchtime chardonnay with a straw, make exercise your new best friend. Buy a jump rope and do 10 minute bursts, or even buy a mini trampoline to use when cravings hit. The "hit" of exercise will be a good replacement for reducing tension, and you'll have more energy, too.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prescription Drug Abuse and Pill Withdrawal

Prescription Drug Abuse, or pill addiction as it is commonly called, and, ultimately, 'pill withdrawal' have been with us since doctors began prescribing drugs, but has become more widespread since the advent of the 'repeat prescription' or 'refill', whereby patients can have a prescription renewed without having to visit their doctor. This can be as simple for many people as visiting a pharmacy and filling out a form giving their name, address and the drug they want. This is then returned to the surgery for the doctor to countersign. The problem is that these can often be signed as routine, rather than consideration being given to the need, and so facilitating prescription drug abuse.

If a certain patient begins to request repeats more often, would this be noticed? Theoretically it should, but in practice it is frequently not. Not, that is, until the next review. Frequently, twelve repeats are allowed before the patient must again speak to the doctor personally to review the treatment. Prescription drug abuse, and resultant pill withdrawal symptoms, are generally overlooked by the medical profession.

The type of prescription drugs which lead to pill addiction are wide and varied, and not just tranquilisers such as diazepam (Vallium) and nitrazepam (Mogadon). Common ones are codeine and codeine-containing painkillers such as cocodamol, and even over-the-counter codeine based painkillers such as Solpadeine which has its own addiction support group. Most prescription drug abuse is of one or other of these two types of drug: tranquilizers or painkillers. Tranquilizer pill withdrawal is very common in developed countries.

People involved in prescription drug abuse show any of a number of symptoms which are common to all patients suffering from pill withdrawal.

The main symptom of pill addiction is an increased tolerance to the drug, so that the user needs an increased amount to get the same effects they were used to. More and more of the drug is required, and four times is not uncommon. This leads to many problems, not the least of which is that it becomes difficult to control the symptom for which the drug was being taken in the first place. For example, it becomes increasingly difficult to control pain.

Those who suffer from pill addiction have not done so deliberately. Unlike other drug addicts, they have not taken increasing doses simply to get a 'buzz'. It happens to them gradually, over an extended period of time taking the same drugs to treat their condition. Cocodamol is commonly used in the treatment of arthritis, for example, and prescription drug abuse in such cases is hardly abuse in the real meaning of the word.

The pain-killing effect reduces as the body becomes more and more used to the drug, so the patient must take more or suffer increasing pain, resulting in pill addiction. It is not deliberate, but once it starts the patient can often do little about it due to the pill withdrawal symptoms compelling them to keep taking more and more. They know it is wrong but can do little about it, and try to hide how many they are taking from their family. They reach a stage where they are frightened to admit it, and are terrified to ask their doctor for help in case the drugs are stopped altogether.

Prescription drug abuse leads to physical dependence, and the person cannot function normally without a supply of the drug. The body adapts to the presence of the drug and can function while it is being supplied, but once the course of treatment is over, the patient suffers from pill withdrawal symptoms. These can be severe, including physical illness, mood swings and aggression, and depression. Ultimately pill addiction can lead to death through overdose. Paracetamol based painkillers containing codeine, for example, can be dangerous. The patient overdoses for the codeine content, but the paracetamol is insidious and can cause severe liver damage over a period of time.

The most obvious sign of prescription drug abuse is that the persons affected cannot stop taking them. They will increase the frequency of presentation of repeat prescriptions on a pretext such as needing extra since they are shortly going on holiday, or will resort to doctor hopping. The internet has also made it easy to purchase prescription drugs online, without a prescription from the patients own doctor being required. As has been previously explained, this type of pill addiction is not their fault and more could be done to control the circumstances which cause it.

Doctors, and in some cases the pharmacists, should be aware of the potential problems of long term use of such drugs, and give advice and help once the time has come to stop them. The dose should be reduced gradually rather than suddenly stopping the supply. Prescription drug abuse and pill withdrawal are becoming a serious problem in otherwise innocent law-abiding people. It should be possible to find a means of regularly changing the chemical nature of the drugs an individual has been prescribed with in order to reduce the possibility of this type of pill addiction.

Once dependence has been confirmed, or better still, admitted by a patient, steps can be taken to treat the addiction. Kicking prescription pill addiction is not easy, but better than a lifetime habit, and the doctor can help make it easier to achieve by using gradual withdrawal techniques.

Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Drug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse - The 9 Underlying Causes and 2 Major Reasons They Abuse Drugs

What are the underlying causes of drug and alcohol abuse? And why do you need to know? If you're trying to solve a drug or alcohol abuse problem, wouldn't it be a good idea to find out first what's causing it? Obvious question right, well maybe not so. Perhaps knowing about the cause to drug abuse is the first step to solving the problem.

Drug and alcohol abusers were all born with various degrees of abilities and inabilities. The less able drug or alcohol abuser are the more dependent they became.

An easy example to show is with children. In their early age, they're unable to cook, or work for a living. Therefore they depend on their parents to survive.

As children grow, they learn new skills, and as a result, become less dependent on their parents.

The more able children become in dealing with challenges in life, relationships, and work, the less dependant on their parents they become.

Another simple example is an injured person who just broke his leg and is temporarily dependent on crouches until he or she regains their ability to walk.

The problem with alcohol and drug abusers is they lack some natural abilities that are basic and essential to succeeding in life.

Some or all of the hidden causes of addiction fit into one of these 9 situations.

Drug And Alcohol Abusers Have Difficulties With:

PROBLEMS they can't solve, often the problems multiply when they take drugs. Many have unresolved internal conflicts.

Sometimes, family, friends, the police or doctors need to step in to help them out.

PAIN - They aren't able to tolerate disappointment, pain and upset. They immediately try to block out painful feelings and sensations
Trust: They aren't able to be trusted and many don't trust themselves
Promises, they aren't able to keep their word once given and have difficulty following through on promises
Self Esteem: They're unable to be themselves and express themselves easily
Memory, they have difficulties remembering things and often forget
Luck, they seem to have awfully BAD luck
Goals, they seem unable to reach their goals and give up on their true goals
Truth, they have a hard time telling the truth

If a loved one fits into all of these categories, pay attention as you'll need a program of recovery to save their lives before it's too late.

Here are the 2 major reasons people use drugs:

To Ease pain
To Avoid problems

Many addictions follow accidents, failures, breakups, losses of self respect, giving up on life goals, job problems, . .. . The list goes on. What is common to all these pains and problems is the ABSENCE OF a better solution and an inability to resolve the original problem. Factually, what's missing was a real accessible solution to the problem in the first place.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Drug Rehab - No Insurance? Learn Your Free Rehab Options

Few of us ever plan on needing drug or alcohol rehab, and unfortunately, some of end up needing it without the insurance coverage to pay for it.

With a month's stay at a private rehab running as much as $20 000 or more, few of us have the savings to self finance a stay at rehab; and unfortunately a lot of us have jobs and homes and families, and although we are in need of assistance, we also do not qualify for state of federal treatment funded aid.

Too poor to pay for rehab, and too rich to qualify for governmentally funded treatment; truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

You may have heard about more affordable programs, but a Google search doesn't seem to help much, and where can you go to learn more about the options available to you?

There are options

Thankfully, there are more than 2000 free or very affordable drug and alcohol rehabs in operation coast to coast. These non profit or charity programs do not base entry on your financial situation, but on your need for help. You can find a program that's going to help you.

Private Rehabs with "low Income" Beds

A lot of private facilities will reserve a certain number of treatment beds for those in need of subsidized care. Treatment is unlikely to be free, but the fees are generally based on your income, family size and ability to pay for care, and can be quite affordable.

Because you will receive the same treatment as others in the program who may have paid tens of thousands of dollars, this can be an exceptional situation and you can expect a very high level of care, service and accommodation.

General Non Profit Rehabs

There are hundreds of treatment facilities in America that exist to serve lower income and uninsured participants. These non profit entities offer comprehensive therapy and often in very pleasant environments. While treatment is rarely free, most programs will not turn away those in need, regardless of their ability to pay for services.

The Salvation Army and Gospel Missions

Sometimes overlooked, these programs do not offer luxury, in fact the lodgings tend to be quite Spartan, but for those with nowhere else to turn, either of these organizations offer sanctuary, treatment and hope. Programs tend to be long term, free of charge, and open to all willing to participate in a Faith based program of recovery.

Recovery Housing

Another often overlooked therapeutic environment is sober living housing. A sober living house does not offer the therapeutic intensity of a drug rehab, but they can be very inexpensive, and will offer long term sober residence and a safe and supportive environment for recovery. Most will require that you work and attend AA meetings during your period of residency.

The unfortunate reality is that although a great many facilities do exist, they can be very tough to find. Thankfully though, there are options, and you just need to find them.

You can get better!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting Clean With a Drug Rehab Program

Drug and alcohol abuse is a serious problem, not only in the U.S but other countries as well. Over 23 million people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Teenagers are especially at risk for drug abuse, with all the social pressures to excel in school and be accepted by peers, many kids turn to drugs or alcohol to help them cope. The problem is that drugs are only a temporary fix to the situation, allowing them an escape from the situation for a short time but the problems that caused the abuse remain, as well as now introducing a new problem to cope with.

Many teenagers and adults, who have gone through drug rehab, have said that the reason they started using drugs was due to stress or not being able to fit in with their peers. Some don't know how to react in social situations and have feelings of inadequacy. The drugs or alcohol give them a false sense of confidence, or make them the life of the party. They are addicted to the attention as much as the drugs themselves. Most times they do not acknowledge that a problem exists, they do not see the long term effects of what they are doing. Most addicts will not seek help until they have lost everything; family, friends and income.

The long-term effects of drug use are physical and emotional. The addict alienates their family and friends with their behavior, sometimes even losing their jobs due to not showing up at work or being late, or showing up to work under the influence. Some addicts will spend every dime they have to get their drugs, resorting to stealing from relatives or taking out hefty loans against their homes to finance their drug habit.

This is where drug rehab programs come in. Sometimes the addict will come in on their own, other times their family members have convinced them to go. But no matter how they come in, treatment is necessary to break the cycle of addiction. The program works to change the behaviors that led to the drug abuse in the first place. Counseling sessions and group therapy teach individuals to express their feeling instead of suppressing them. Opening up to others who are going through the same thing is very helpful.

The first step in the treatment process is detoxification; some drugs take a long time to get out of the system. After the withdrawals have passed, the person feels much better and even their physical appearance improves. Once they are off the drugs they need therapy to keep them from using drugs again. The recovering addict must address the issues involved (the cause or causes) and make a plan for solving them to avoid recurrence.

Getting treatment is the only way to help the individual regain their quality of life. People do not realize when things have gone downhill until someone else points it out. Many have just forgotten how to be happy. The best benefit to this is having their life back and being able to function as a happy healthy person again. These programs have had much success in getting people off drugs, but it is up to the individual whether they stay off them or not.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Escaping With Drugs - Why Drug Addiction is So Tempting

Life seems to be full of stress and cocaine drug addiction or a different illegal drug appears to minimize this initially. Coping each day can be a struggle, whether it's from one's work, family life, school pressures, business deadlines or difficult childhood memories. In speaking to people at my counseling job, those involved with drug addiction whether with marijuana, cocaine, crack or prescription abuse have all told me that the ordinary escape routes like watching dvds or going to a park are not intense enough to numb their pain.

When finding answers or using ordinary outlets for stress seem to fail, drug indulgence can appear to offer relief. Also if there is a tragedy such as death of a close friend or relative or an injury that changes your life, relief through drugs to stop the emotional pain is quite tempting. Analyzing what drives you or your loved one to be involved in drug addiction habits is important. Identifying the underlying factors will show you some of the root causes. If there is a sense of just being overwhelmed, break it down into specifics. Don't just say everything stresses me out, but identify the top three triggers of stress.

One reason people find drugs to be a powerful escape is that it can make them feel detached temporarily from these concerns. It is good to know that there is a way to be in the midst of life's challenges but still have some sense of detachment. However, taking illegal drugs is not a true solution and doesn't give you the tools to stay detached when your boss yells at you or your child ignores you. By finding genuine tools for drug addiction recovery, the detachment and peace that drugs appear to give you can be attained without the negative side effects.